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Beth El Babies - Mommy & Me - Fall 2024

   Babies 12-18 months (10:30 am - 12:00 pm) - $490.00 - 1 of 12 Left

Babies 12-18 months - with a parent or caregiver ($490/child)          

14 Mondays
August 26 - December 9, 2024 (no class on 9/2 and 11/25)
10:30 am - 12:00 pm                                                 

   Babies 18-24 months (9:15 am - 10:45 am) - $455.00 - 5 of 12 Left

 Babies 18-24 months - with a parent or caregiver ($455/child)
 13 Wednesdays
 August 28th - December 11, 2024 (no class 10/2, 11/13 and 11/27)
  9:15 am - 10:45 am

   Babies 18-24 months (9:15 am - 10:45 am) - $420.00 - 9 of 12 Left********************************************************************                                       
Babies 18-24 months - with a parent or caregiver ($420/child)
12 Fridays  
August 30 - December 13, 2024 (no class on 10/4, 10/11, 11/29 and 12/6)
9:15 am - 10:45 am    

Please advise if child(ren) resides with both parents, one parent, or the other.
  • I hereby enroll my child(ren) in the Mommy & Me program at the Beth El Early Learning Center. I understand and agree to the terms as stated.
  • There will be no adjustments to my child(ren)'s tuition because of illness, vacation, early withdrawal, school or class closing due to pandemic or weather.
  • It is my responsibility to inform Beth El Early Learning Center of any changes in my contact information.
  • I consent to my child(ren)'s participation in physical activities and playground time.
  • Young children sometimes get sick or hurt on the playground or during other physical activities. I understand that participation in the Beth El Early Learning Center's Mommy & Me program inevitably involves some risk of injury or illness.
  • Should my child(ren) sustain an injury or illness, I agree to release and hold harmless Temple Beth El of Boca Raton and its officers, directors and employees from any and all liability arising from my child’s participation.
  • I also promise not to sue Temple Beth El or any of its officers, directors or employees as a result of my child(ren)’s participation.
  • I understand that a parent/guardian must remain in the building with my child(ren) at all times until they are at least two years of age.
  • I will provide State of Florida medical form #3040 and immunization form #680 prior to the first day of the program. No child(ren) will be permitted to attend without these forms with exceptions for medically contraindicated vaccinations only.
  • If I cannot be contacted in the event of an emergency, I hereby grant permission to Beth El Early Learning Center to authorize any emergency action necessary to ensure the safety of my child(ren).
  • I understand that the last day to withdraw my child from the Mommy & Me program and receive a full refund is Friday, August 16, 2024.

Please enter Parent 1 first & last names
Please enter Parent 2 first & last names

Mon, September 16 2024 13 Elul 5784