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High Holy Days Essentials Services (For Temple Beth El Members Only)

Past Sessions
Friday, September 25, 2020 7 Tishrei 5781 - 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM - Schaefer Family Campus
Wednesday, September 23, 2020 5 Tishrei 5781 - 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM - Schaefer Family Campus
Monday, September 21, 2020 3 Tishrei 5781 - 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM - Schaefer Family Campus

For Temple Beth El Members Only.

Join us in person for High Holy Day Essentials services - a shortened, socially distanced service that will enlighten and connect for the High Holy Days.

Each service will be limited to 45 people in attendance, seated socially distant from other attendees, and will be approximately 45 minutes in length, featuring some of the most significant components of our High Holy Day worship services, including Unetaneh Tokef, Avinu Malkeinu, the Vidui Confessional, and shofar service.  

Registration is required. Maximum 45 people per service. Health and safety protocols are required to be followed, including wearing a mask and social distancing. For the full list of protocols, please click here.

Please register for only one session to allow as many of our members to attend as possible. Please limit your party to 6 people and only register for people inside your own household.

If the session you want to attend is full, please contact Debbie Eisenberg to be put on the waitlist.


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Wed, February 5 2025 7 Sh'vat 5785